proffer trenażery pożarowe, aparaty powietrzne, butle kompozytowe
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Aparat powietrzny ProffAir
Butle kompozytowe
Serwis techniczny SCBA
Galeria zdjęć


Myjki i suszarki sprzętu ODO arrow

  • Myjka do aparatów powietrznych SCBA 

The Wash 4 is specially designed for safe and quick cleaning of four self contained breathing apparatus including cylinders. With this cleaning machine, it is also possible to clean breathing masks. The Wash 4 comes with a stainless steel frame for four breathing apparatus including cylinders.

After cleaning, you can remove the cylinders and dry the SCBA in drying cabinet F12. Therefore we developed a special drive-in trolley. It is also possible to place 2 wire baskets in the Wash 4 for cleaning up to 18 breathing masks. The wire baskets can be placed on a drive-in trolley. This trolley can be easily driven in our drying cabinet F12.

Cleansing agent; based on liquid mildly alkaline phosphate-and chlorine-free.
Neutralizing agent; based on citric acid.
Different stainless steel trolleys
Water softning system;  necessary if the water hardness is higher than 5° dH. Ability to connect multiple cleaning machines next to each other on one water softning system.


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Suszarka do aparatów powietrznych
Suszarka do aparatów powietrznych
Myjka do masek
Myjka do masek

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